Re-Glass is at the time being the only Hungarian company that processes and recycles windshields, no matter if front, side or rear windshield.
Depending on the quantity and the distance from our yards (Orosháza or Mezőörs), we organize transport and collect of the glass, also we take glass at our premises for free.
By our multi-step processing line we remove contaminating parts, like metals, plastic, wires, etc. The glass shall be shredded afterwards, where the security foil (PVB) shall be removed.
The foil used to be disposed in waste incinerators, today it is moved to landfills.
Our R&D department is working on new methods which supports decreasing landfill quantity and lead the material extracted back to the economy/industry, even if not for its original function, as in-between security layer for windshields.
Tisztelt Partnereink!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önöket, hogy 2023.05.01. (hétfő) és 2023.05.05. (péntek) napokon telephelyünkön a ki- és beszállítás SZÜNETEL.
Kamionokat ezen a 2 napon nem tudunk fogadni.
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